Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lost in Translation

Yesterday I wrote about the little girl who cried all day... well today our Taiwanese teacher, Angela, told us that "why" in Chinese means bad. So all day we would ask her "Why are you crying?" and so she thought we were telling her she was bad. She went home and told her parents that we don't like her and we told her she was bad over and over again. I think that's one of the funniest things that I've ever heard. Hahahahahahaha. I keep bursting into laughter every time I think about it.
So her parents and Angela explained that we were just trying to make her feel better. Today, since she is still crying, I say "What is wrong?" instead of "Why are you crying?". Oh my dear soul.


Unknown said...

That's funny, and sad....

Your uncle in Guatemala just gave me your blog address.

the bakks said...

I love it. But still so sad. Did she think it made sense to say "Bad are you crying?" Maybe she thinks you've given her the nickname BAD. That's really sad. Especially since you're her teacher. Which still cracks me up! I bet you're great!

Bethany said...

Yes, it was kind of sad. But she told her mom that I am really sweet because I gave her hugs and told her it was ok. She understands now that we didn't think she was bad. Her mom actually works here and we had a good laugh about it this morning.

JanetD said...

Bethany- it is so fun to read your blogs- technology is so great. Just think- I bet Papa would have had a blog on his vacation trips if they had them back then. It's so amazing to read every day about your impressions and the things you are learning and seeing. Thanks for sharing with us!
Lots of love, Aunt J

Unknown said...

Is that what all those 4 year olds mean when they say, "Why?" all the time.

You crack me up kiddo.

Remember U drive me...