Thursday, August 30, 2007


Emily and I are headed to Taichung to visit the Spinellas this weekend. Hsinchu (the city where we live) is about half way between Taipei and Taichung. We are leaving tomorrow straight after work. They invited us out for the weekend and we have been looking forward to it all week!! I have heard that it's a really neat city to visit, and during my phone call with Mr. Spinella this afternoon I learned that they have a Chilis there! Whoohoo! I bet I will have some great stories to share after this weekend and lots of pics! Until then... Stay classy San Diego...

Oh yeah, one more thing. Got a message from my cousin Grace and she said that she and my cousins Laura and Rachel have talked about coming to see me for their spring break. So all day long I have been really excited just thinking about it. I hope you guys come!!! We'd have the best time!!

1 comment:

D.O. said...

I've recently subscribed to your blog, and to be fair, I'm letting you know. It's less cool when people creepily read your blog without your knowing it. So I'm here. FYI. I'm glad you got Internet.