Thursday, December 20, 2007


Wow, I didn't realize it's been so long since I updated this blog! I guess I am just so used to my life here that things don't seem so exciting to share. But that's not true! Things still shock and surprise me on a daily basis.

Lately, there has been an ever-increasing change in the sort of leggings and nylons that we see here in fashionable Taiwan. I still remember about two weeks ago when I noticed a girl wearing black leggings with stirrup feet with flat shoes--where you could obviously see that they are stirrup feet. I thought it was very strange, like why not just wear tights??? Why bother with the stirrup effect????? I guess I'm slow though, because this should have been an indication for the next big fad, which is knee high or thigh high leggings with stirrup feet worn with shoes where you can tell that they are obviously stirrup feet. This look is naturally complemented by wearing short shorts or a short skirt. I ask you--what is the point? And does this make any sense? As for myself, I am just now becoming comfortable with the thought of wearing leggings with things--so stirrup leggings are way far-fetched. I guess I'm behind the times, however, I never did think of myself as a slave to fashion. But I do think that there are a lot of things that we [eventually] think are good looking that we will look back on in a few years time and think "Oh my word, I looked so ridiculous" which is what I think may have happened after the 80's when perms went out of style as did STIRRUP PANTS.

I have posted a lot of new pictures this week, and I really hope that some people at least will take a look, because a lot of them are really great! Emily and I have been fortunate enough to see some beautiful places in the past month or so, so taking nice photos has been easy. I think this might be my favorite batch yet. We took a long drive into the mountains last weekend and were both a little intoxicated by the incredible sights. It was great to be in the mountains and fresh air! We went to a popular market it a town called Beipu and I finally bought a pointy straw hat which has been a dream of mine for years and years! I am really excited about it:)

I can't believe that it's Christmas next week! This month has flown by, I still feel shocked that it's already November, and now we are now nearly through December! We have been preparing like crazy at school for our Christmas Pageant, so I can't remember the last time we had a normal week of class. I have learned that event planning would be the worst job you could have in Taiwan, because people here are nuts. Everything is so unorganized. I have gotten to the point where I just turn off my opinions and ideas and smile during rehearsals because there is nothing else to do. It will be over tomorrow night at 9 and I will be SO HAPPY. Each class is doing a song and dance in another language, and the staff are doing a Japanese drumming routine (I don't know if routine is the right word), and it's going to be hilarious. I will hopefully be able to post a video.

Today Emily showed me the website where you can see pictures of funny things in English. I really want to reccommend looking at the "signs/posters" part of the website because it it simply hilarious. There were a few that had us in tears laughing! One of the most fun things to do here is to read signs, or really anything in English--you are almost always sure to find something amusing. Please check it out.

We are going to the Philippines next Friday for a much needed break from school. I can't wait to be lying on the beach! I can't wait to visit the city of Cebu and stay at the very beautiful Santiago Bay Garden and Resort on Camotes. WhooooHooooo!

I would like to give a shout out to my cousins Grace, Laura and Rachel who will be coming to see me, and to my Aunt Mary, for making their trip to Taiwan possible! They are coming in March, and I am so excited! I can't wait to see you guys!

Until next time...

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